It’s a Cult!

I am being cautiously converted from my lifetime membership in the Crock Pot Posse to the Cult of Instant Pot. The induction began when I recently lamented to fellow sailors that although I love cooking in my crock pot, I fear I need a faster, more energy-efficient alternative for life outside the marina (when shore power will not be an option). Search no more they cried. Viola! The Instant Pot....

Friends = Fun and Frivolity!

One of our favorite parts of marina life is gathering on the dock with our boat neighbors to share some grog and grub. An old-fashioned pot luck pitch-in, exchanging the church basement for God’s gifts of surf and stars. We’ve been spearheading these gatherings for a few months now, “hosting” the gang approximately every two or three weeks. Not sure that we got elected social chairmen,...